State Estimation Example

In this notebook we will walk through an example of state estimation calculation of power-grid-model. The following points are covered

  • Construction of the model

  • Run state estimation once, and its relevant function arguments

It serves an example of how to use the Python API. For detailed API documentation, refer to Python API reference and Native Data Interface.

Example Network

We use a simple network with 3 nodes, 1 source, 3 lines, and 2 loads. As shown below:

 |                                          |
node_1 ---line_3--- node_2 ----line_5---- node_6
 |                    |                     |
source_10          sym_load_4           sym_load_7

The 3 nodes are connected in a triangular way by 3 lines.

# some basic imports
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from power_grid_model import LoadGenType
from power_grid_model import PowerGridModel, CalculationMethod, CalculationType
from power_grid_model import initialize_array

Input Dataset

We create input dataset by using the helper function initialize_array. Note the units of all input are standard SI unit without any prefix, i.e. the unit of voltage is volt (V), not kV.

Please refer Components for detailed explanation of all component types and their input/output attributes.

# node
node = initialize_array("input", "node", 3)
node["id"] = [1, 2, 6]
node["u_rated"] = [10.5e3, 10.5e3, 10.5e3]

# line
line = initialize_array("input", "line", 3)
line["id"] = [3, 5, 8]
line["from_node"] = [1, 2, 1]
line["to_node"] = [2, 6, 6]
line["from_status"] = [1, 1, 1]
line["to_status"] = [1, 1, 1]
line["r1"] = [0.25, 0.25, 0.25]
line["x1"] = [0.2, 0.2, 0.2]
line["c1"] = [10e-6, 10e-6, 10e-6]
line["tan1"] = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
line["i_n"] = [1000, 1000, 1000]

# load
sym_load = initialize_array("input", "sym_load", 2)
sym_load["id"] = [4, 7]
sym_load["node"] = [2, 6]
sym_load["status"] = [1, 1]
sym_load["type"] = [LoadGenType.const_power, LoadGenType.const_power]
sym_load["p_specified"] = [20e6, 10e6]
sym_load["q_specified"] = [5e6, 2e6]

# source
source = initialize_array("input", "source", 1)
source["id"] = [10]
source["node"] = [1]
source["status"] = [1]
source["u_ref"] = [1.0]

# voltage sensor
sym_voltage_sensor = initialize_array("input", "sym_voltage_sensor", 3)
sym_voltage_sensor["id"] = [11, 12, 13]
sym_voltage_sensor["measured_object"] = [1, 2, 6]
sym_voltage_sensor["u_sigma"] = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
sym_voltage_sensor["u_measured"] = [10489.37, 9997.32, 10102.01]

# power sensor
sym_power_sensor = initialize_array("input", "sym_power_sensor", 8)
sym_power_sensor["id"] = [14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21]
sym_power_sensor["measured_object"] = [3, 3, 5, 5, 8, 8, 4, 7]
sym_power_sensor["measured_terminal_type"] = [0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 4, 4]
sym_power_sensor["power_sigma"] = [1.0e3, 1.0e3, 1.0e3, 1.0e3, 1.0e3, 1.0e3, 1.0e3, 1.0e3]
sym_power_sensor["p_measured"] = [1.73e07, -1.66e07, -3.36e06, 3.39e06, 1.38e07, -1.33e07, 20e6, 10e6]
sym_power_sensor["q_measured"] = [4.07e06, -3.82e06, -1.17e06, 8.86e05, 2.91e06, -2.88e06, 5e6, 2e6]

# all
input_data = {
    "node": node,
    "line": line,
    "sym_load": sym_load,
    "source": source,
    "sym_voltage_sensor": sym_voltage_sensor,
    "sym_power_sensor": sym_power_sensor,

Validation (optional)

For efficiency reasons, most of the data is not explicitly validated in the power grid model. However, in most cases, a state estimation will fail/crash if the data is invalid. Often with a low level error message that is hard to relate to the original objects. Therfore, it is recommended to always validate your data before constructing a PowerGridModel instance.

The simplest and most effective way to validate your data is by using assert_valid_input_data() which will throw an error if it encounters any invalid data. See Validation Examples for more detailed information on the validation functions.

from power_grid_model.validation import assert_valid_input_data
assert_valid_input_data(input_data=input_data, calculation_type=CalculationType.state_estimation)


The construction of the model is just calling the constructor of PowerGridModel. The default system_frequency is 50.0 Hz.

model = PowerGridModel(input_data)
# model = PowerGridModel(input_data, system_frequency=60.0)  # if you have another system frequency

One-time State Estimation Calculation

You can call the method calculate_state_estimation to do a one-time state estimation calculation based on the current network data in the model. In this case you should not specify the argument update_data as it is used for batch calculation.

The following command executes a one-time state estimation calculation with (they are also the default values for those arguments)

  • Symmetric calculation

  • Iterative linear method

  • Error tolerance: 1e-8

  • Maximum number of iteration: 20.

output_data = model.calculate_state_estimation(

Result Dataset

We can also print one result dataset of node and line by converting the array to dataframe.

print("------node result------")
print("------line result------")
------node result------
   id  energized      u_pu             u       u_angle
0   1          1  0.998922  10488.678869 -1.356716e-20
1   2          1  0.952157   9997.648144 -2.292066e-02
2   6          1  0.962132  10102.384509 -1.878047e-02
------line result------
   id  energized   loading        p_from        q_from      i_from  \
0   3          1  0.983446  1.731816e+07  4.068528e+06  979.232855   
1   5          1  0.206048 -3.367751e+06 -1.178575e+06  206.048359   
2   8          1  0.780866  1.381050e+07  2.916091e+06  776.961713   

         s_from          p_to          q_to        i_to          s_to  
0  1.778965e+07 -1.659573e+07 -3.820392e+06  983.446244  1.702978e+07  
1  3.568023e+06  3.398729e+06  8.860393e+05  200.729011  3.512325e+06  
2  1.411500e+07 -1.335538e+07 -2.885123e+06  780.865585  1.366346e+07  


In order to perform a state estimation the number of measurements should be larger than or equal to the number of unknowns. For each node there are two unknowns: u and u_angle.

$$n_{\text{measurements}} >= n_{\text{unknowns}}$$


$$n_{\text{unknowns}} = 2 n_{\text{nodes}} $$


$$n_{\text{measurements}} = n_{\text{nodes_with_voltage_sensor_without_angle}} + 2 n_{\text{nodes_with_voltage_sensor_with_angle}} + 2 n_{\text{branches_with_power_sensor}} + 2 n_{\text{nodes_without_any_appliances_connected}} + 2 n_{\text{nodes_with_all_connected_appliances_measured_by_power_sensor}}$$

Batch calculation

For state estimation a batch calculation can be performed in a similar manner as for powerflow calculations. For more information about performing a batch calculation, please refer to the Power Flow Example.