
Power-flow calculation

Power flow calculation is done using the calculate_state_estimation <power_grid_model.PowerGridModel.calculate_power_flow. An example of usage of the power-flow calculation function is given in Power flow Example

Power-flow calculation algorithms

These should be selected when accurate solution is required within specified error_tolerance.

  • CalculationMethod.newton_raphson: Traditional Newton-Raphson method.

  • CalculationMethod.iterative_current: Newton-Raphson would be more robust in achieving convergence and require less iterations. However, Iterative current can be faster most times because it uses Matrix prefactorization.

Linear approximation methods are many times faster than the iterative methods. Can be used where approximate solutions are acceptable. Both methods have equal computation time for a single powerflow calculation.

  • CalculationMethod.linear: It will be more accurate when most of the load/generation types are of constant impedance.

  • CalculationMethod.linear_current: It will be more accurate when most of the load/generation types are constant power or constant current. Batch calculations here will be faster because matrix prefacorization is possible.

State estimation calculation

State Estimation is done using the calculate_state_estimation. An example of usage of the power-flow calculation function is given in State Estimation Example

State Estimation algorithms

  • CalculationMethod.iterative_linear: It is an iterative method which converges to a true solution. Matrix prefactorization is possible.

Batch Calculations


Issue 79